Saturday, December 6, 2008

6th Dec 2008

I want to discontinue writing on terrorism..I fear I will become an expert and obviously, this country doesn't care for any..

Some folks around here have used almost all of the 10% of brain capacity they are entitled to use, to give the less equipped junta, some more nightmares. For instance, look at this derivation, which is apparently being circulated via e-mail, with subject as "Next Blast".

13 May -------- JAIPUR

June -------------------

26 July------------ AHMEDABAD

August ---------------------------

13 September------------ DELHI

October -------------------------

26 November--------------- MUMBAI

December ----------------------------

13 January ----------------- Where Next?
Be Very Careful and Cautious.

Somebody applied software logic and arrived at this theory.No wonder we couldn't prevent 10 people from ravaging Mumbai.
Whoever this person is, has already assumed nothing is up next in December.

Brilliant..Can we please rise and emerge out of slumber and stop displaying our very "Own", very "cute", mob mentality..


  1. hahahaha lol I have heard a lot of these. For eg. take the number 26

    January 26 the Gujarat Earthquake happened
    December 26 The Tsunami disaster happened
    November 26.....I don't have to tell you
    October 26 What is it going to be???

    I guess we must send these to our intelligence agencies :D

  2. I wish you prediction could go wrong
