Friday, April 17, 2009

Was listening to Sajjad Lone on NDTV speaking on why he is contesting Indian elections and clarifying(trying to clarify), how it is not a change in ideology but a change in strategy. Hurriyat ideology has always been boycotting Indian elections, boycotting Indian army, so much so that the name Hurriyat to me is synonomous with boycott. A seperate Kashmir, independent of India and Pak, is core to their agenda, although, if you  scratch the surface, a soft corner for Pak would reveal.

Sajjad told us on TV that boycott was not working, violence was not working, and so he decided to represent the people of Kashmir in the Parliament of India. I admire his courage, this guy has put his life at door. I hope the Indian Parliament does justice to his courage.

What I cannot understand is that he claims there is no change in their idea of having a separate Kashmir. Contest "Indian" elections to claim a separate Kashmir from "India"? Does that mean his party will contest elections in Pak too, and voice the same idea? 

What I can understand, is that whether Sajjad admits or not, with Pak becoming a sort of a banana republic, this is the best he could have done. Good luck to you Sajjad!

1 comment:

  1. r u by ne chance a supporter of muthalik, rss or bjp?? just curious..
