Saturday, April 25, 2009

what a saturday !! perfect..12/24 spent sleeping..glorious..i got up at 5 in the evening..with an SMS on my cell phone asking me to go on a search mission. The task was to find the ever elusive, alluring, "Pachchatar lakh ki dakaiti" by "Surendra Pathak". For the lesser armed junta out there, this is a hindi novel by a hindi writer, apparently a major hit in the more hindi speaking parts of India. I was jolted out of sleep when saw the title. I blinked, and blinked,  and then laughed for a full five minutes imagining myself asking the shop keeper to give me "Pachchatar lakh ki dakaiti".

But reality is harsh. I went out from Crosswords to Odesseys to small book shops, but alas, I could'nt find it. One of the guys had an english translation of the same, "Sixty Lakhs Robbery", with a very graphical front cover of a saree clad women, a heavily moustached man and some blood. Picture this.. the original hindi book costs Rs 60 and the english translation costs Rs 120. Double the price, half the fun, quipped my friend.
I was troubled by the disinterest shown by book sellers towards hindi books. When I asked for Hindi section, I was either shown a tattered pile of old books or was directed to some adhyatmic stuff or shown the door. When did Sheldon, Grisham,  replace premchand, chauhan, 'dinkar' ? And I slept all through! The fact remains that I coudn't find the book.


  1. first things first.. he is Surendra "MOHAN" Pathak.. MOHAN is more important than first and last name.. i still cant believe u went hunting for it, without even knowing what u were goin to look for.. lol.. its those mammoth hindi novels u wud be scared to look for.. right place to look for is the book stalls on railway stations, not odyssey or crosswords or facts and fiction.. Ramdhari Singh "Dinkar" still sells and so does Premchand and so does Subhadra Kumari Chauhan.. but its just that, its kinda low "standard" to see ur kids doing that.. disappointing, but true..

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  3. why are there only " funny, interesting, cool" options in your blog !

    Other posts could be neutral or some even bad ! Please enable more options to vote honestly !
